Restorative Training
Join Coach Chad Catalano for this revitalizing class Monday, Thursday and Friday’s mornings.
Restorative training is a mat based, targeted mobility method that aids students with stiff backs, locked hips, and tight hamstrings/hip flexors. These classes are hugely popular all around the world because they deliver flexibility results quickly. Here are the three pillars of restorative training.
Wet Noodle. Muscles stretch best when completely relaxed. So when you train for flexibility, you attempt to relax into the stretch as much as possible
4:8 Breathing. Inhale through your nose to the count of four, exhale to the count of eight. This breathing practice turns off the stretch reflex, stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system response, and relieves muscle tension.
Meet or beat your hold time. The gating factor for flexibility is time under passive tensions. The typical restorative training hold times are 2-5 minutes.
We welcome beginners, yogi practitioners, and mobility connoisseur to come and try one of Chad’s classes.
Please contact us if you’re like your athletic team or group of friends to try it!